

The School of Health was founded in 2006. Necessary policy-making and planning were implemented to enhance operations so that the School of Health would be incorporated into the organizational, financial, administrative, educational, and research structures of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences.

The aim of establishing this school is to provide educational, research, and consultancy services in various fields, including environmental health, occupational health, and public health. The management of the school strives to invest significantly in educational and research activities to transform the school into one of the most efficient higher education centers in the province and region.

The school comprises three active educational departments and has 20 faculty members, including one professor, three associate professors, thirteen assistant professors, and three instructors. These faculty members are engaged in the education and research activities within the departments of Environmental Health Engineering, Occupational Health Engineering, and Public Health.

The School of Health covers an approximate area of 6,950 square meters, which includes seven classrooms, eight laboratories, a computer lab, a special workspace for graduate students, offices for educational departments, administrative offices, an educational affairs office, a journal and research office, educational and research vice-presidential offices, audio-visual facilities, a student research committee, a library, a faculty consulting room, an auditorium, and two meeting rooms.

The laboratories within the school include: a Water and Wastewater Chemistry and Microbiology Lab, a Device Analysis Lab, a Chemical Factors and Air Pollution Lab, a Physical Factors Lab, and an Industrial Ventilation Lab.


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Last Update At : 18 September 2024